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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Non-Techs Techs vs In the USA and other developed countries there is a growing disparity in the incomes of the rich and the poor. In the USA and other developed countries there is a growing disparity in the incomes of the rich and the poor. THE RICHIncreasing employedin the tech sector. THE POORWorkers without skills for the economy. Median IncomeSilicon Valley$94,000 Silicon Valley 31% of jobs pay $16.00 per hour (or less). How do we help children succeed in this new economy? Give them the skills to work in this emerging tech economy. Teach children to code and they will learn design, collaboration, experimentation and persistence. These are skills that the children will be able to use wether or not they work in a technological field. If they can match a passion outside of coding with technological skills the sky is the limit as to what they will be able to accomplish! I don't know how to code, so how can I possibly teach my child to do it? There are resources available to you online.For starters try - orCode.orgIn addition, your child's school may have anafter school program offering coding as an activity for children.Some schools are adding coding as a part ofthe curriculum. Check to see if a school in your area is one of them. Where can I go to learn more about technology and its effect on the growing inequality or incomes? You may be asking - "How does this affect me? I don't have children and I don't plan to."Everyone uses technology and unless you are independentlywealthy you'll need to work. Careers in technology are someof the best paying jobs in a growing field right now.If you have to earn a living or even if you simply want to use technology at a creator level and not just as a consumer - Coding is the way to do that.And if nothing else, we should all care about helpingthose in need.
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