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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Classification of Living Organisms Name: Alan Jesus Lopez Xavier Major: Agricultural engineerInstitution: Tecnologico de Monterrey campus Queretaro Course: Systemic Botanic Teacher: Dr. Víctor Manuel Rodríguez-García Why do we classify living organisms? The importance of taxonomy is related especially to the species conservationand calcification by identifying and specific specie we can set the limit of and habitat and preventthe intrusion of external species that can damage the local flora and fauna. How do we classify living organisms? To classify organisms, is commonly usesimilarities and differences between different species. Sometimes these differencesare easy to see or identify, such as whetherthat the organism lives also the animalsfur, feathers, or scales. Other times, seeingthe differences is not that evident,and to identifythe difference requires special laboratoryequipment, such as equipment to study DNA. What are the most useful characters that are used to classify organisms? There are a lot of different characteristics that are used to calcify different living organisms, one of the most important characteristics to classify is according to its cellular structure determining if it is a prokaryote or eukaryote ,other calcification can be according the nutrition refers to how an organism gets its food. Organisms can be classified as autotrophs or heterotrophs, also they can be classify by their DNA and Wich method of reproduction they use. taxonomic classification of living organisms 1ª Kingdom In this group the organism are classifieddepending of their different characteristics,their genetic similarity and their common ancestor. the classification is divided in five kingdom Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Protista, and Monera 2ª Phylum Are groups of organisms that havesimilar general characteristic common ancestor and anatomical similarities.Nomenclature termination: Botanic (-phyata/-mycota) 3ª Class Are a group of organismsthat have a certain group of common characteristics, attributes, qualities or traitsthat are specific of the classand different of odder .classes.Nomenclature termination: Botanic(-phyceae/-mycetes/-opsida) 4ª Order Are a group of organisms close related that sharing a set of similar physical character and natureNomenclature termination: Botanic (-ales) 5ª Family Is a group of organisms that are close related and shear common group of attributes and characteristics that are more specific that the classification use in previous classifications. Nomenclature termination: Botanic (-aceae) Zoology (-idae) 6ª Genus Are a group of organism thatare very closed related to each other that are structurally and genetically similar 7ª species Are groups of organisms that can interbreed and produce healthyoffspring that is not sterile and can breed themselves. Figure 2Title: Picture of Malus sylvestris, Primula hortensis and Magnolia virginianaPhylum: Angiosperms or Magnoliophyta Figure 3Title: Magnolia denudata flowersClass: Magnoliopsida. Figure 4Title: Acer negundo and Peganum harmalaOrder: Sapindales Figure 5Title: Anacardium occidentalis and Schinus terebinthifoliusFamily: Anacardiaceae Figure 6Title: Mangifera indica and Mangifera foetidaGenus: Mangifera Figure 1Title: Daintree Rainforest Kingdom: Plantae Figure 7 Title: Creole Mangos.Species: Mangifera indica Mace, G 2004, The role of taxonomy in species conservation [online], Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London, consulted: 19 of January 2015, Bibliography Arnold, Edward, 1976, Nomenclatura biologica, Codigo internacional de nomenclatura botanica,Codigo internacional de nomenclatura Zoologica, first edition, Herman Blume, Madrid. BBC Nature, 2015, Tree of life,BBC,[Online], consulted: 19 of January 2015, Killerscene,(2008), Daintree Rainforest recover from Hillewaert.H,(2007), Malus sylvestris recover from,_Vosseslag,_Belgium.jpg Karwath.A,(2005) Primula,recover from,D,(20058), Magnolia virginianarecover from foto reference Herman, D,(1996), Acer negundorecover fromüber.K,(2004), Peganum harmala, recover from,(2009), Ripe cashew applesrecover from,(2013), Creole Mangos from Oaxaca, Mexico, recover from,(2007), Mangifera indica , recover from
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