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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Energy Economics & Energy as Master Resource How do they relate? Understand&observeuser's behaviour Frederick Soddy layer SYNTACTIC PRAGMATIC PlasticFigurative layer Action-ObjectObject-Action CommunicativeMeta-communicative -Interface as a production device.-Propose a framework for understand &design websites as sign systems.-Semiotic Engineering -Limits the interaction between human and computers.-Semiotic has not yet produced a an integral theoretical framework. TESTING To get feedback from users satisfactioncomfort... Performance measuraments Subjective measuraments Task Analysis/ Use Case:succes, errors, time, clicks... 5 participants Create Scenarios: what users come to your site with&how to satisfy them VIRTUALETNOGRAPHY USABILITY Analysis of the INQUIRY - Objective + subjective information- No distance observation and registration- Symmetric: researchers = participants- Sincerity and confidence- Technological mediation* - Difficulty to get the objectivity and the real immersion.- Uncontrollable circumstances- Limits are not clear- Real online identity?- Techonological mediation* Technology is social Identity + sociability onlineSocial organization in virtual contexts Wilhelm Ostwald, German chemist Researcher's immersion Direct observation Interviews INSPECTION according to Jakob Nielsen Analysis of the interfaceto detect possible interaction errors Cognitive Walkthroughs. Heuristic evaluation. 10 Nielsen's heuristics (and more) -The analysis of usability can saymany things about the web andinteraction system.-It's an instrumental approach -the analysis of the usability can hide some elements. -This methodology cannot say WHY. It is focused on saying WHAT. Collecting quantitativedata from users and getting information about them Field observation Interviews/focus group -Bruce Tognazzini's 16 principles-Ben Scheiderman's 8 golden rules-Lund usability maxims These are qualitative methodsbut the answers can be quantified More a DISCOVERY process than a EVALUATIVE process chemist Wilhelm Ostwald chemist chemist chemist chemist chemist chemist chemist
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