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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Ice Cap Biome Weather An ice-cap's temperaturenever exceeds 0°C and has an average temperature of -20°C to -30°C. As it is so cold, very little evaporation occurs resulting in almost no precipitation. Ice-capshave two seasons which are determined by the amount of sunlight in each day. In summer there is almost 24 hours of light and in winter there is almost 24 hours of darkness. Flora Ice-Cap An ice-cap is a region of ice which is less than 50 000 km squared and can never exceed 0°C. Eventually it will turn into an ice sheet (exceeds 50 000 km squared) and slide into the ocean. It islocated mainly at the top and bottomof the globe but can be found at the tops of mountains. The ice never melts due to the extreme temperatures. This means that very few plants can survive in ice-cap biomes as plants cannot grow on ice.The plants that can survives include moss and lichen. Soil Fauna Some animals include arctic foxes,polar bears penguins and snowy owls. Human Impact Food Chain As the requirements for in ice cap is simply; 50 000 km squared of ice and never exceed 0°C it may not have to require soil. If it were to be located on land however the ground would most likely be very infertile and/or in a state of permafrost. Global warming is the greatest threat to ice-caps.Species have already started to drastically reduce in numbers. One of them being krill - an essential food for seabirds and fish. The declining ice has alsoimpacted heavily on animalssuch as the polar bear due to the ice no longer being able to support them.Currently, there is a push to reduce carbon emissions.Countries will meet in Paristhis year in hopes of reachinga global agreement which willstart in 2020. By Joseph Chin
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