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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 GI means the Samuai's that they are a leader and they have to do everything they can to be a leader. GI- Right Action Duty That I have to try my best on everything I do and be the best I can. Yukki-Courage Yukki means to a Summrai is that they have to be brave even when the hard times come. Yukki to me is that sometimes I'll be afriad of something but i will have to have courage to get thorugh it. Jin-Benevolence Jin means to the Sammrai's that they have to work together and stand together as one. Jin to me is that if we unit together it will be alot easier but we can only do that if we get along. Rei-Respect Rei means to the Summurai's is a sacrificing vessel that evokes the rites and ceremonies conducted for worshipping and offerings. Rei to me is that you have to respect everyoneyou meet becuase you don't know what can happen if your mean to them. Makoto-Thrutfulness Makoto means to the Summurai's is truth in word and action, to follow truly the Law of the Universe. Makoto means to the Summurai's is truth in word and action, to follow truly the Law of the Universe. Meiyo-Honor Meiyo meanis to the Sammurai's is that you enjoy a good reputation is you have honor and respect in your life. Meiyo to me is the you have to honor everyone in your life becuase to get honor you have to show honor. Chuugi-Loyality Chuugi to the Summurai's is faithfully, to be loyal becuase they have a duty for there people. Chuugi to me is that to have loyality in life you have to give it but you can't be loyal to people that you already lied to soo many times.
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