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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Scoring Terminology: What does it all mean? Raw Scores Age Equivalents Stanines T Scores Scaled Scores Standard Scores Percentiles Grade Equivalents A raw score indicates thenumber of correct itemson a given test. Ex: A student gets an 18out of 20 on a spelling test.18 is the raw score. A percentile indicatesthe percentage of scoresthat occur at or below aspecific score. Ex: A student in the 10thpercentile of first gradershas better reading comprehensionthan 90% of his/her classmates. A standard score is a scorethat has been transformed tofit a normal curve. Ex: The standard score for IQ testsis 100. The standard deviation ofscores is 15. A scaled score is a specificsubtest score that typicallyrange from 1-19 with a meanof 10. Ex: If a student receives a 4 or 5 ona math subtest, they are consideredwell below average. A T score has a mean of 50and a standard deviation of10. Ex: A student with a T score of75 scored 2.5 deviations abovethe mean. A stanine, or a standard nine,is a standard score with a mean of 5 and a standarddeviation of 2. Ex: A standard deviation of -2.0leads to a stanine of 1.0. An age equivalent is a generalscore that compares theperformance of children thatare the same age. Ex: A student that gets a score of6-11 means that that student isperforming as well as a child thatis 6 years and 11 months old. A grade equivalent is ageneral score that comparesthe performace of childrenthat are in the same grade. Ex: A student that receives ascore of 1.7 means that thatstudent is performing likethat of a child in their 7th monthof grade 1.
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