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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Raw Score A raw score typically indicates the correct number of items on an assessment.For example, you may answer 12 out of 15 questions correctly on a test. The raw score would be 12.So what does this mean? A raw score may not seem like much when it stands alone, but teachers usually turn it into a percentage. 12 out of 15 on a test would be 80% of questions answered correctly. Percentiles! A percentile represents a percentage of people/scores that occur at or below a specific score. This may also be considered a "percentile rank."Your PERCENTILE RANK of 75 in yourclass means that you scored the sameor better than 75% of your class.When a child's score is in the 50thpercentile, it typically means thatthe child earned an average score. How do all of these scores work?! Standard Scores Scaled Scores T-Scores Stanines AGE Equivalent GRADE Equivalent A standard score has been changed to fit a normal curve.Standard scores have a mean and a standard deviation that remains the same across ages. Lori Kahl A raw score is converted to a common scale allowing numerical comperison between students. This is a scaled score. A T score is another way to express test performance! Pierangelo, R., & Giuliani, G. A. (2012). Scoring terminology used in assessment. In Assessment in special education: A practical approach (pp. 63-73). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Also known as "standard nines," a stanine is a type of score that has a mean (average) of 5 and a standard deviation of 2. An age equivalent score compares the performance of children who are the same age. A grade equivalent score compares the performance of children who are in the same grade. Standard scores usually have a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. For example, a score of 130 would be two standard deviations above the mean. A score of 70 would be two standard deviations below the mean. Standard scores of 130 and higher are considered very superior, while standard scores of 70 and below are considered a developmental delay. Scaled scores are used for subtests that may compromise an assessment. The scaled scores have a range of one to 19. A scaled score ranging between one and three would be classified as developmental delay.A scaled score ranging between eight and 12 is considered average.A scaled score ranging from 17 to 19 would be considered very superior. The estimated age level of a child corresponds to a given score. A score of 11-5 means that the child is performing as well as the average 11-year, 5-month-old child's raw score. We may use this type of scoring for young children to see where they are in their development. Much like the age equivalent score, grade equivalent scores represent a child's score in regards to their development in comparison to other children's raw scores in different grade levels.A grade equivalent score of 3.5 means that a child is performing as well as a third grader in the 5th month of school. The grade equivalent score means that a student's raw score was equal to the average raw score of students in a certain grade group.This could be a good method for comparing scores of a child who has moved to a new school. T scores have a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10. For example, a score that is 1.5 standard deviations above the mean would be 65. Stanine scores range from 1 to 9.A stanine of 9 is 2 standard deviationsabove the mean (5+2+2).A stanine of 1 is 2 standarddeviations below the mean (5-2-2). For someone to have a T score of 90 means thatthey scored 4 standard deviations above average. For someone to have a stanine score of 7 means that they scored one standard deviation above average.
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