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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Research Loss of territories - productive land,industries and raw resources Correlating provided by RVO to statuses from the CoC commercial register "Taxi company commits fraude with 1,6 million euro of subsidy money" "Organization takes subsidy for solar panels down with its bankruptcy" 36 companies went bankrupt within 2 years after they gained the subsidy in 2008 36 companies went bankrupt within 2 years after they gained the subsidy in 2008 150 companies went bankrupt within 2 years after they gained the subsidy in 2009.In this group there are 20 companies that wentbankrupt that same year. 150 companies went bankrupt within 2 years after they gained the subsidy in 2009.In this group there are 20 companies that wentbankrupt that same year. Guideline on implementationsubsidy regulation 2010: Innovatie Prestatie Contracten2009: Eurostars2008: Innovatievouchers bankruptcy/dissolution subsidies  Subsidies assigned:2008 - 19.7022009 - 17.9232010 - 23.548 Dutch framework National Economic Affairs subsidies High risksubsidies?! Committed subsidies: [amount per year]2008 1.832.050.4272009 16.655.221.9902010 9.319.844.091 Findings 731 Bankruptcies/dissolutions between 2008 - 2014 of organizations who have received subsidies between 2008-2010 State of property 32,52% Dissolution decree53,39% Insolvency9,35% 142 companies went bankrupt within 2 years after they gained the subsidy in 2010.In this group there are 19companies that wentbankrupt that same year. 142 companies went bankrupt within 2 years after they gained the subsidy in 2010.In this group there are 19companies that wentbankrupt that same year. Other4,75% - advanced quarterly payments- no verification of financial status of organizations Outcome Dutch Subsidy regulation on Innovation All of these subsidies are governed by the Dutch Subsidy regulation on Innovation TOP subsidies with highest payout to bankrupt/dissoluted organizations Concerns on correctness, completeness and quality of the data- No insight in bankruptcy/dissolutions reasons- Average life of an organisation per branch is not taken in to account due to time constraints and missing data.- Diversity in subsidy regulations regarding assessment criteria and procedures, make it difficult to generalise conclusions.- Faulty tab delimited KvK and unstructured WOB source data, limited results - Further case studies to analyse why organisations have gone bankrupt/been dissolved- In depth research on effectiveness of the assessment of the subsidies requests- Research on the legal identity behind each subsidy requesting organization Further research is needed before we can draw conclusions - Obtaining WOB and KvK data- (Re-)structuring data for import in ACL, using: Nitro, Tableau and ACL- Use of .pdf WOB source data and transforming this data to excel- Importing KvK-data (unstructured and use of unicode)- Importing the transformed WOB data in a structured form- Cleaning the data- Determine whether we can use parts of the "structured" data or not?- Understanding and interpreting the results- Importing data in ACL and combining the data to main tables per year- Analyse the data using pre-determined business rules and automated scripts- Export the results to spreadsheets in an understandable form- Verify results using original data sources An addition to the risk-based approach of theDutch government? Research on subsidies to insolvent companies. Limitations
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