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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 APRIL Sexual AssaultAwareness Month Be there for a friend, peer, or family member Listen be what they needyou to be Support Establish safety for the survivor Help Go with the survivor to get help if they want you to Refrain call a family member, ask about theirexperiences from asking questions that blame the survivor Reassure "It's not your fault." back judgements Hold the survivor and their story a survivor may experience a range of emotions Recognize Educate yourself on statistics,how to prevent,and inform others Honor a survivor's autonomy in thedecisions they make Sensitive the resourcesavailable on campusand in the community Know get going no one will be upsetthat you try to help Care National Sexual Violence Resource Center 2015 SAAM Campaign Accountability Take care of yourself Start class with an engaging activity; Class/group discussion; Minute to Spin It Bring somethingto class;Embed researchinto the flippedcomponent activity assess Take a quick concept quiz (at home or at the start of class) write Take Cloze notes; Discuss online; Blog about it; Post a question let them telltheir story Believe offer to call SAVIP or USCPD or another resource Help an article or excerpt rape culture and how it impactssurvivors Stand Up Carolina as Carolinians,it's your job It's time to act. Intervene you might save a person's life Brighter futures. Brighter futures. Safer campuses. Prevent sexual violence.
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