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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 "When we were not with the members,we were knocking on doors and talkingto as many people as we could aboutthe restored gospel. We were blessed with people to teach, and the memberssaw us bringing people to church whomwe were finding on our own. The attitudeof the whole ward began to change.There was an increasing excitementabout missionary work."- Preach My Gospel page 161 Referrals: Tips and Tricks Referrals: Tips and Tricks STEP ONE: Preach My Gospel Tips to gaining member's trust: Gain the member's trust. "Once the members trusted us, the work hastened. Many baptisms followed."(Preach My Gospel page 161) STEP TWO: CHOOSE A MEMBER "In addition to working with active members, seek to find people to teach through prospective elders,less-active members, and new members." - Preach My Gospel, page 162 Be personable! Imagine what type of missionary you would invite to teach YOUR family and friends. Obedience is key - show the members you are a servant of the Lord, but He called YOU on a mission! Tell members your interests, your conversion story, about your family, and why you are on a mission! "Strengthening [member's] understanding of the doctrine of Christ will do more to increase their trust in you and to build their excitement todo missionary work than anything else you can do. " - Preach My Gospel page 161 HOW? TIPS: Let's be honest. Young Single Adults are the most fun to be around as missionaries as they're in the same age range and often have served, or will serve, a mission. They hold lively, fun, and spiritual activities and generallyhave a little more time on their hands to help! Prospective Elders - and Sisters! Less-Active Members and New Converts There is absolutely no point in doing missionary work unless we hold on to the fruits of that effort. The two must be inseparable. . . . Every convert is a great and serious responsibility - Gordon B Hinckley Remember This: "The ideal situation is when members invite others to be taught and are present for the teaching." - Preach My Gospel page 160 Average Member's Friendship Circle [Other Church Members] [Work] [Hobbies] Average Less-Active Member's Friendship Circle [Hobbies] [Work] [Other Activities, Clubs, Sports etc.] Many Less-Active Members have many friends who are not members of the Church. As you seek to help those who have strayed return to active membership, you will re-kindle the testimony inside of them. "As [a Less-Active's] understanding of the Atonement of Jesus Christ grows, [their ]desire to share the gospel will increase." (Preach My Gospel page 2) Step Three: Activities and the Importance of Planning Weekly Planning Tips! Weekly Planning is an extremely effective tool to help you tailor your missionary work to your area. It sets forth the most important aspects of the work first. Obtaining referrals and teaching less actives are clearly some of ourmost important finding activities. "Carefully considered goals will give you clear direction and will help you fill your days with activities that help people strengthen their faith in the Savior and progress toward baptism, confirmation, and full activity in the Church." - Preach My Gospel page 146FINDING ACTIVITIESMost missionaries fail to fullyunderstand that "Finding Activities" includes more than simply contacting, or knocking on doors. Ask yourself: "if I wanted to invite a friend to a Church organized activity, what would I want them to attend? IDEAS WARD ACTIVITIES FIRESIDES SPORTS FAMILY HISTORY YOUTHFILM NIGHT RELIEF SOCIETYACTIVITIES STEP FOUR: CONTACT COMMITMENT RESULTSFOLLOW UP REFERRAL Understanding Chapter 11 in Preach My Gospel will aid your ability to obtain referrals.Page 195 states "They become devoted to Christ and dedicate themselves to His gospel. Keeping their commitment is how they truly manifest by their works that they have received of the Spirit of Christ unto the remission of their sins (D&C 20:37)."When we help people "receive... the Spirit of Christ" we help their understanding grow.Preach My Gospel further states "People become converted as they livethe principles they learn (see John 7:17) and feel the Spirit confirm that what they are doing is pleasing to their Father in Heaven." (page 196) Commitments can be small at first - praying for the missionaries by name can quickly lead to fasting for their own missionary experiences. The key is following up! When we as missionaries plead with members in prayer to find new investigators, and then actually FIND them - TELL THEM! Share the joy that you felt helping a soul come closer to Christ! As they experience this they will grow in desire and confidence until they are willing to invite their acquaintances to meet with the missionaries. Activities act as catalyst in this process. A non-threatening opportunity such as a Saturday morning sports activity is suddenly a neutral, comfortable arena for casual conversation on a variety of topics. A name is always better than a door. STEP 5: TEACH President Gordon B. Hinckley taught: So manyof us look upon missionary work as simplytracting. Everyone who is familiar with this workknows there is a better way. That way is throughthe members of the Church. Whenever there is amember who introduces an investigator, there isan immediate support system. The member bearstestimony of the truth of the work. He is anxiousfor the happiness of his investigator friend. Hebecomes excited as that friend makes progress inlearning the gospel.The full-time missionaries may do the actual teaching, but the member, whereverpossible, will back up that teaching with the offering of his home to carry on this missionaryservice. He will bear sincere testimony of the divinity of the work. He will be there toanswer questions when the missionaries are not around. He will be a friend to the convertwho is making a big and often difficult change. . . . The process of bringing new peopleinto the Church is not the responsibility alone of the missionaries." STEP ONE: GAIN TRUST.STEP TWO: CHOOSE A MEMBER TO WORK WITH.STEP THREE: GIVE THEM SOMETHING TO INVITE A FRIEND TO.STEP FOUR: MEET THE FRIEND.STEP FIVE: INVITE THEM TO LEARN MORE. OVERVIEW: You may need more than one visit to obtain a referral - plan ahead! "They succeed best when members become the source from which new investigators are found" "They succeed best when members become the source from which new investigators are found"
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