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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Difference between avg.? Are they new? Do they have the salary with us? To be verified/clarified Generate Actions Do we want to change the structure? Make a push on the 26-34 and 35-49 category? Increase CC and OVD sales? If today the costs are ok for us, what will happen in the next 5 years? The margin increases, but the incomes stay the same. We can achieve the volume? For secured not so large competition as for unsecured.Difference between Prima Casa and Casa Mea2015 each month monitor figures regarding margin/sales (comparisons between forecasts also) ; monitor the margin for the new productionRepricing RPC scenarios in order to understand and anticipate Is there need for big adjustment at once or more adjustments during a large period? Do we need more than 9% or not?Yes we need, and we should use this period in order to increase (eg. Partnerships, Cluj event)We can also offer them other products (CC cash collateral, instant cards for students with some facilities). If we have results in Cluj, we can continue the strategy in other towns also.Create other products or offers containing liabilities and loans (BPL loans, P3 pensions, use Telekom partnership to increase on IB transactions, insurance during university for the first year after they finish so that they can have the opportunity to have a master if they dont get a job or continue it even if they have a job or use the money for getting a house etc).We can make a research/ focus group in the universities to test them and see what products they need/want Assets Make a push on the 26-34 category? Accept more loans in the 26-34 category? (new to market, new to bank) Push on Debit Card- Credit Card ProgrameFocus on the cash-back using the CC is cheaperthan cash => better to position as a transactional product Do we position theCredit Card as a loan or as a transactional product? Increase Credit Card sales on the 26-34 categoryInstallments they are looking for opportunities and use it as a payment tool Credit limit management discussions with Risk Revise the flow find responsibles to check these reports Review the campaigns (quality of data, rules, monitoring) in order to have a clearly feedback and to know where we have errors in the database Know when and how many campaigns we have in the same time Make them aware of the benefits of 24 banking, e-token...Have a reality check and see what we can do in the future.Have a special desk with tutorials and possibility for the customers to log inn the IB (have alsoa special advisor there)Use i-pads in order to create a small corner in their companies/universities (+advisor in order to explain them how to use IB etc)Change the authentication methodHave demos on the site but do we have a problem of communication? CC+OVD to be increased for 26-34 and 35-49Secured to be increased for 35-49
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