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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 What REALLY Goes on in an Immigrant's Mind? Immigrants are some of the most commonly known peopleto undergo judgements basedon ethnicity. Judgments like these usuallyresult into the person feeling"out of place" or "unwanted".This can later result into fearof certain races or nationalities,but chronic depression and severeanxiety are the most commonlyknown mental illnesses thatoccur with such people. Most immigrants tend to feel stressed or find it difficult to adapt to their new environment. These occurrences are due to reasons such as new currency methods and new adaptations to different environments. The longing of being accepted by peers is also a factor of stress, but is commonly known in adoescents. Xenophobia: fear or hatredtowards foreigners and foreign ideas. Socioeconomical status is based on your experience and income that you hold as anindividual or as a family. Most immigrants have a lower socioecomical status due to the fact that it is difficult to easily adapt to a new country and the jobs andcurrency methods that the country holds. Education is also a large factor that can cause certain distressfor immigrants. Xenophobia, economical obstacles, language difficulties, family separations, underresourced neighborhoods and schools are major factors that can make it difficult to pursuefuture success in education andcareer. It is said that low socioeconimical status affects the well-being of children and teens. This can cause the child to becomedistressed or feel certain psychological complexities that make it hard to cope with present and future mental states. Immigration, like all things,has its' pros and cons. Forinstance, immigrating canhelp by saving people fromirrational government andlaw, inhumane leadership, little rights, etc. Psychological and Emotional Effects of Immigration on Immigrants-Adam Howard The Physical and Psychological Well-Being of Immigrant Children by: Krista M. Perreira and India J. Ornelas © 2015 American Psychological Association 750 First St. NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242 Correspondence to: Professor Dinesh Bhugra, PhD, FRCPsych, MPhil, Professor of Mental Health and Cultural Diversity, Section of Cultural Psychiatry, PO25, Institute of Psychiatry, De Crespigny Park, London SE5 8AF, UK
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