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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 What do I need to do? Fixed Term Academic Probation UOW Career Development Record Teaching & Research Roles Outcome Form emailed by Human Resouces Applicants are notified of the outcome via an email from Human Resources. The form will be emailed to you and your supervisor approximately 8 weeks prior to your probation expiry period. Complete the form and submit with the required evidence through your Academic Supervisor who will provide a recommendation to the Executive Dean.Ensure you have prepared the below: Commence your CDR within two months of commencement. Documents work goals, time frames and development opportunities.Optional for 0.4 FTE & staff on a contract of less than 12 months.For contracts of 12 months or greater attach your CDR to your application. Applicants in Teaching & Research roles must attach teaching evaluations representing at least one subjecttaught per session during the probation period.ULT/CPD requirements = portfolioContracts less than 12 mths exempt. Record of scholarly activity-Publication & Grants list Complete EO-online Contributions to Academic Governance & Service Executive Dean Approval Executive Dean makes a decision based on the information and supporting evidence. Check Your Probation Expiry date Probation periods are usually, 6, 12 or 18 months (check your employment contract). Waived if re-employed in same position. Meet Vas. He has a temporary employment contract of employment Teacher evaluations
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