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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 PeoplingPeriods 6 and 7 How did changes in the numbers and sources of international migrants in the 19thand 20th centuries altered the ethnic and social make up of the U.S. population? Cities reflected divided social conditionsof class, race, ethnicity, and culture.Immigrants sought to Americanize and keep their individual cultures alive as well.Settlement houses were establishedto teach immigrants English and toteach them culture. World War 1 created racial strife in citiesaround the country.Immigration quotas were passed by congresson a lot of different countries. Mexico was onecountry that was exempt from this so thatthe US would have an unlimited supply ofcheap labor. What were the causes and effects of internal migration patterns such as westwardexpansion, urbanization, sub-urbanization, and the Great Migration? Period 6 Period 7 Millions of immigrants from all around the world brought their differentcultures into the U.S. The U.S. became more diverse through the manydifferent cultures and languages being introduced. Period 6 As people moved West buisnesses foughtconservationists for the rights to the land.People moved to the city to findjobs in factories when they foundthey couldn't make it on the farm. Period 7 The majority of black people stayed in theSouth, however the "Great Migration" sawa large move of black people to the Northto seek economic opportunities providedby WWI. Many Americans migrated during the Great Depression to seek work. During the WorldWars they were driven by the need for labor.Many Mexicans who came to the US for workopportunities faced ambivalent governmentpolicies. Internal migration patterns during the 1860s through the 1940s saw a growth of cities and and a move toward industrialism yet again. What were the roles of both internal and international migration on changesto urban life, cultural developments, labor issues and reform movements? Period 6 The industrial work force expanded throughmigration, leading to a more diverse workforce,lower wages, and an increase in child labor.This change led to an increase in labor reformgroups such as the Knights of Labor.While some Southern Leaders called for a "NewSouth", the majority of the South continued to be mainly agrarian. African-Americans and Women tookadvantage of new economic opportunities despite many widespread socialprejudices.Political powers provided support for laborreforms in exchange for political support. Period 7 WWI was the first time official restrictionswere put on freedom of speech.Labor strikes and racial strife disrupted thecountry's industrial corporations.While congress put restrictions on a lot ofdifferent countries, they left the Mexican border open in order to ensure cheap laborfor U.S. companies. Internal and international migration cause political and racial strife over the availabilityof jobs. During the late 19th century migration increased the work force, but in the early20th century Americans stopped appreciating the help, when they were faced with unemployment. How and why have debates over immigration to the U.S. changed since the turn of the 20thcentury? Period 7 During wartime American experienced a new sense of patriotism that excluded immigrants. The first "Red Scare" legitimized attacks onimmigrants. During wartime immigrants were often seen as enemies of the country so even refugeeswere treated with contempt. Course Theme Project 3 (1865-1945) Made by Emily Hiscox
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