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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Office on Children and Youth Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program - PREP Grant ' At the beginning of 2015, the PREP initiative has served over4,000 youth in RockinghamCounty, Page County andHarrisonburg City. Draw the Line / Respect the Line PREP strives to educate youth on healthy relationships and healthy sexuality. PREP also offers services to prepare young people for adulthood by implementing activities that address three or more of the subject areas below: La educacion y el trabajo desempenan un rol poco importante en sus vidas. Local Students Report: PREPSNAPSHOT PREP* Goals*Personal Responsibility Education Program Wyman's TeenOutreach Program (R) The Teen Outreach Program(R) hasled to a significant increasein teenagers' self-empowerment,interpersonal communication, andcommunity involvement. "I don't learn this stuff anywhere else." "I will need theseskills later in life." "It showed me howto respect my bodyand start thinkingabout my limits." "I learned how todefend myself frompeer pressure." Local Parents Report: ->Personal Boundaries->Improved Peer to Peer Communication->Reduced Risky Sexual Behavior 80% of parents surveyed feel thattheir child's participation inthe program led to an increasein parent-child communication. 75% of parents surveyed report thatthey view the program as effective. 72% of parents found the homeworkactivities to be helpful. Parent-child communication skills;Education and employment preparation skills Healthy relationships; development of positive self-esteem and relationship dynamics,friendships, dating, romantic involvement, marriage and family interactions;Positive adolescent development, to include promotion of healthy attitudes and valuesabout adolescent growth and development, body image, racial and ethnic diversity Healthy life skills, such as goal-setting, decision making, negotiation, communication and interpersonal skills, and stress management.
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