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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Parents and children Survey of CSIX and ProMatch members July 2012 ITEM NO. 001 Would you be interested in learning more about how to use Twitter, Facebook, and 3rd Party job search tools? Yes 75%No 25% description here lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipsicsing elit I only use LinkedIn 49% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Pinterest 67% 14% 20% 2% Female Male Age Groups:30-3940-4950-5960 & older 2%29%56%13% 64% 48% 6% 22% Facebook What if anything prevents you from using Facebook as a job search tool? Do you tweet? How often? Never, waste of time!Often, at least dailyWhen I have something to tweet aboutI re-tweet frequently and share Security and Privacy concern Nothing, I love sharing "what's on my mind" Did not know Facbook could be used for job searches Facebook is strictlyfor connecting with my friends 47% 5% 47% 2%. Do you have a blog? Pinter-what? 69%Yes, I actively pin 31% Do you have Pinterest boards? Yes 11%No 89% Parents are legally responsible for their children adn must provide necessites of life double click to change this header text! Parents are legally responsible for their children adn must provide necessites of life Parents are legally responsible for their children adn must provide necessites of life No one one can be forced to marryThe law forces parents to support their children Courts are starting to use DNA tests to prove patenity SUPPORTParents must proves food,clothing,shelter,education,and medical careThe law is making mothers and fathers equally responsible for child support EMANCIPATIONParents not usally repuired to give financial support to an adult child Emancipation: Children are free from the legal control and custody of there paretns EDUCATION All children have the right to a free public school education thought 12th grade School attendance is generally required for children ages 7 to 6 although state laws vary Child who misses school without justication is consitdered a truant Parents who fail to send there chid to school at be fined or arrested
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