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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Getting to ONE-PLANET Living Our Global Ecological Footprint 2013 1961 Fair Earth-Share The productive area required to providethe renewable resources humanity is usingand to absorb its waste. Footprint by Component, 1961 - 2008 Number of earths needed to providethe renewable resources consumed andabsorb the carbon waste omitted in... 1.0 1.5 0.5 0 Number of Earths Demanded 1960 1970 1980 1990 2010 2000 Consumption Measures Fair Earth-Share1 Planet Daily Calorie IntakeMeat Consumption (kilograms per year)Living space (square meters)People per householdHome energy use in gigajoules (per year)Home energy use in kilowatts-hours (per year)Motor vehicle ownershipMotor vehicle travel (kilometers per year)Air travel (kilometers per year)Carbon dioxide emissions (tons per year)Life expectancy (years) World Average1.5 Planets 2,42420858.42,3000.004582125266 28094010412.63,5000.12,600564467 City of Vancouver Summary of Ecological Footprint Consumables, 14% Water <1% Transportation19% Food51% Buildings16% "Even if the average Vancouverites followed a vegan diet;avoided driving or flying and only walked, cycled, or used public transit;lived in a passive solar house that used almost no fossil-based energy;and cut their personal consumption by half, "To achieve one planet living, Vancouver would need to reduce hisor her Ecological Footprint by 66%" they could only reduce their per-capita Ecological Footprint by 44%
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