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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) In 2012, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program for undocumented youth. DACA provides a temporary two-year protection against deportation and provides a work permit. DACA is subject to renewal. of the approximately million undocumented youth who met DACA criteria have applied. 52% New Jobs (59%) Earnings (45%) Internships (21%) Drivers license (57%)Bank Accounts and Credit Cards (49%)Health Care (Employers 21%) DACA has Increased opportunities for recipients: Protects the youth from being placed into removal proceedings and from being removed. Provides work authorization documentation. Can obtain a Social Security Number.DACA can be renewed after two years. In certain states, a DACA-recipient can apply for a state identification card and a drivers license. Benefits of DACA: 1.2 17,000 IMMEDIATE ELIGIBLE 25,000 POTENTIAL ELIGIBLE NV Characteristics of Immediately Eligible Population 8% 20% 41% 31% College Graduate Education Attainment Completed High School and equivalent were enrolled in college Completed High School and equivalent were not enrolled in college Still enrolled in High School Billingual 63% Employed or actively looking for employment. 53% Region of Birth: Mexico and Central America countries 76% Live in families with annualincome below 100% federalpoverty line. 34% Individuals with no lawful immigration status who are seeking initial or renewal DACA.Extends the deferred action period and employment authorization to three years from two years, and allows you to be considered for DACA if you: -Entered the United States before the age of 16; -Have lived in the United States continuously since at least January 1, 2010, rather than the prior requirement of June 15, 2007; -Are of any age (removes the requirement to have been born since June 15, 1981); andMeet all the other DACA guidelines.Due to a federal court order issued February 16, 2015, USCIS will not begin accepting requests until further notice. THIS ONLY APPLIES FOR EXTENDED DACA. Extended Eligibility Requirements for DACA 1 1 5 6 3 1 2
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