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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Public Service Announcement Twitter claims to be building a safer twitter. This Public Service Announcement Sponsored By Andy Kaufman's Kavalkade Krew, A Satirical, Commentary and Newsfeed Non-Commercial Blog. Fair Use Doctrine Applies Twitter CEO Dick Costolo Claims To Be Taking Personal Responsibility Bullies Run Twitter Satirist Suspended For Truth JE SUIS TWITTER? How can you allow this to occur? When did Twitter decide that standing up and SPEAKING UP about bullies was wrong, and raw, naked threats were right? This tweet is the truth. It was not sent to Nancy Abt, and is NOT her image.It was co-written with a guild screenwriter.@WanderinPoet was suspended forover a month for using his art to express truth. This tweet is dated10/8/2014. Yet Twitter is unable to discern the truth. Satire, Art, Parody, Commentary And News are punished by Twitter if you aren't the right person. AND people can talk about killing you. Openly. On Twitter. Lie. There is no restraining order. There have been no threats. Quite the contrary. She threatens the satirist. Twitter claims to allow newsfeed, commentary and fan accounts.They also claim users are solely responsible for the content thatthey create, and that they try not to intervene in disputes.There is no "dispute" as such. There is the truth of what Nancy Abt has done, and her lies that continue to be reported and satirized.However, Nancy Abt is a celebrity, with access to a "escalation department" that typical users do not have access to.Thus Nancy Abt was able to have a satirist suspended based on her demonstrably false claim to have a restraining order.This would have easily been determined with a records check had Twitter any intention of providing a fair and equitable levelof customer service.Instead, the satirist had to have the San Franciso District Attorney's office intervene, to seek his release from a suspension of over amonth. Clearly Twitter has a two tier moderation policy. One for celebrities and one for the hoi polloi.How does one gain access to the upper tier? Why does a womanable to issue threats openly have access to such an upper tier?Does Twitter mean what they say in their emails? Seems not.Nancy Abt was in content of her own volition until I releasedher for trolling a man and his child on Facebook in late August. Nancy Abt falsely claims arestraining order on1/3/2015 The TRO was dissolved and denied on 1/2/2015. The "declaration was devoid of any evidence that would tend to support the granting of a restrainingorder. Case BS152527 From Page 4 of Nancy Abt's "Declaration". Note the "escalation department".
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