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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Music Education How can learning about, or playing music help students thrive? "According to a 2003 Gallup survey, 95% percent of Americans believe that music is a key component in a childs well rounded education"(Quick Facts and Stats). If this is true, why do some schools lack musical education? Music's Benefits: Music accesses these rarely-used parts of the brain: Sensory Cortex Auditory CortexHippocampusCerebellum Motor CortexNucleus Accumbends and Amygdala Creativity "Simply listening to music can help relax us, and relaxation is key to creativity" (Fitzpatrick). Children With Music Education: Children Without Music Education: Graduation Rate:90.2%Attendance Rate:93.3%(Music Statistics) Graduation Rate: 72.9%Attendance Rate:84.9%(Music Statistics) Behavior and Mood "During moments of musical euphoria, blood travels through the brain to areas where other stimuli can produce feelings of contentment and joy-and travels away from brain cell areas associated with depression and fear" (Music Statistics). Whats the problem? Many schools have eliminated musical education altogether. "Over 2 Million children (and growing) each year are not exposed to a music program in school" (Music Statistics) Music education needs to be a priority, not an option. "30 States have had cuts made in their schools music & arts programs at every level from K-12 and up through college" (Music Statistics ). These staggering numbers need to be reduced greatly. Music education needs to be offered to all students in the US.
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