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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Multiple Literacies: A Few of My Favorite Things *Disciplinary *Digital *Critical*Writing[*Literacy for struggling students] Multiple Literacies include: Apps Discernment Classroom management systems Devices & Software Critical: Presentation Stations! 1. Disciplinary: Book Talks & Book Clubs 2. Digital: App Slams3. Critical: Literacy Studies 4. Writing: Infographics 5. Other Resources-pa-LoOza MathematicianHistorianScientistJournalist/WriterMusicianArtistAthleteetc. & the HOW of a discipline Disciplinary: Think, read, write, & reason as a: Writing: Traditionally forgotten or "saved for last" Disruption of Water Cycles Yet can be woven through all the other literacies... Can be highly engaging... ...can be done daily... ...can wearmany looks ...and take any amount of time Digital: 21st Century Skills in the modern classroom References and Resources: - Presentation Google Doc: This presentation infographic: - Lisa's Weebly:**Thank you! :) It's both the WHAT Dr. Lisa Dembouski, MN D/DB/HH Educator Symposium, 4.17.15 MN Statutes: Initial Licensure: Subd.2a.: Relicensure: Digital Citizenship Digital Natives: Tech skills can even the playing field for many d/D/DB/HH students, but still must be taught! Equity Community Social Justice Diversity Blogs. Quiet Writes. Texts or Tweets. Exit Slips. Email & Letters.
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