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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Mughal Empire The Mughal Empire was founded by Babur in 1526. It was born when Babur defeated the Lodis of Delhi. Akbar then extended the empire until it covered the subcontinent from Afghanistan to the Bay of Bengaland from the Himalayas to the Godavari River. babur Akbar Government The Mughal Empire was run by an emperor who had absolute authority. Akbar was the one thatinstituted the mansabdari system,a military administration that ensuredempire. The system collected revenuefor the empire while taxing peoplefairly and maintaining a systemof control. Highest officer was thewazir (prime minsiter), followed bythe diwan (chief revenue officer) andvarious other ministers. the empire was divided into many subas (provinces) led by governors appointed by the emperor.These subas then were divided into parganas(unions) led by two officials called shiqdar. Economy The economy in the Mughal empire was dependent on agriculturetrade and other industries.Agriculture has always beenthe backbone of the country.It generates the most income.Additionally, rapid developmentof trade and commerce ledto the improvement of transportand communications. Tradecenters made the economygrow. The Rise Interactions The Mughal Empire firstcontacted western Europeat the beginning of the 17thcentury through trade. One ofthe items traded was alcoholdrinks. The Mughals wereconnoisseurs of it. Trade was made through sailorsand merchants. The Mughalsalso interacted with peoplethrough wars. The Mughal-Marathas war, between theMughals and the Marathas, from 1680-1707. The Mughal-Safavid war between the Mughals and Safavids, from1649-1653. Interaction withothers were mainly through trade and war. Science/Technology Mughal astronomers advanced in observ-ational astronomy.The instruments andobservational tech were often derivedfrom the islamic tradition. The mostremarkable instrumentinvented by the Mughalswas the celestial globe.They also used alchemyto produce soaps andshampoos. They were thefirst to create the metal cylinder rocket to useagainst the war elephants.The Mughals had advancedtechnology. Religion The Mughals were muslims who ruled a country with a large Hindu majority. The ruling class were muslims. Under Akbar's rule, he came up with Godism, a mixof Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity. The empire alsoconsisted many Sikhs. The Mughals tended to regard themselves as rulers by divine right, rather than as subject to Islamic law. Therefore, they did not afford religious scholars muchauthority. Demographic Akbar was said to have ordereda detailed account of population,but information still remainsunknown. All we know is thatthe majority of the populationwas Hindu. Estimates rangefrom 30 to 50 million peopleat the time. The Decline The decline of the Mughals began with the death of Aurangzeb in 1707.There are many reasons for the decline of the Mughal Empire, one of them being wars of succession. They did not have any law of successionand each time a ruler died, brothers would fight each other for the throne.Another reason is when Aurangzeb's policies failed to gain support fromhis people. His successors were weak and was not capable of ruling. Other contributing factors were wars and the depletion of funds. Theseinvasions damaged the empire's economy and ultimately led to their fallbecause they could not support it without any money. Hoang NguyenEmma geeCarmen Torres
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