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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 THIS JUST IN From the desk of Ms. Emily Marsolek Hello parents and students!Welcome to the 2012-2013 3rd grade! I am very excited to spend time growing and learning with you all this school year.I would like to use this bulletin to give you a tour of the classroom website. My hope is to make the website accessible to parents, students, aunts, uncles, and grandparents alike, so we all can share in the learning process together! Please contact me with anycomments questions or concerns. Contact info: email: emily.marsolek@gmail.comphone: num-ber-numr WEBSITE URL: The home page displays tabs for class resourcesas well as the school calendar and my diigo tags. The Lesson tab is organized by subjectand unit. Here, links, websites, student work, prezis, and googledocswill be posted throughout the duration of the unit. It is agreat place to go if astudent misses a day of class. All daily assignementswill be posted on this google calendar under the homework tab. A great place to visit ifa student misses a day ofschool! The class blog will beepic. Here will I post classhappenings, videos, projects,assignments and best of allPICTURES! Visit this link asoften as possible and share it with your friends and familyto keep them in the 2nd gradeloop! Come here tofind educationallinks. Diigo tags are helpful ways to find lesson resources.
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