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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Western Europe was divided into many kingdoms after the fall of the Roman Empire.(Pg. 326: The Germanic Kingdoms of Medieval and Early Modern Times Textbook ) Europe Middle Ages: Web QuestBy Catherine Le 1) What happened to Western Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire? 3) Who was Charlemagne? Why is he significant? The Magna Carta was signed by King John at a meadow called Runnymede in 1215. The Magna Carta was significant because it took away some of the king's powerand when someone was accused of crime, they have a right to have a fair trial. To sum it up, the Magna Carta was significant because it kept the king from having too much control and kept things fair.(Pg. 349 of Medieval and Early Modern Times Textbook ) 6) Where and when was the Magna Carta signed? Who signed it? Why is it significant? 2) Why can historians call thisperiod in history the DarkAges”? 4) What is feudalism? Research/Copy and Paste an image depicting the hierarchical nature of feudalism. What is the difference between a peasant and a serf? Whatis a tithe? Feudalism is the bond of loyalty between a vassal and his lord. The difference between a peasant and serf is that a peasant is a poor person that is free, not under a lord's command,while a serf is under the command of a lord, cannot do things that the lord says that they can't. A tithe is one tenth of annual produce or earnings.(Pg. 336-337 of Medieval and EarlyModern Times Textbook and Google) 5) How did bubonic plague spread from city to city? How many people died from Black Death in Europe from 1347 to 1352 (approximate)? The bubonic plague spread from rodents from China, and fleas make it spread to humans. It later on, when Italian tradingships came to Sicily, many people wereon the ship were already suffering fromthe plague, which caused it to spreadfrom city to city. Approximately 25 millionpeople died because of the bubonicplague, about 1/3 of Europe's population.( Historians called this time in historythe "Dark Ages" because it was thetime when the Western Roman Empirefell and the Roman Empire began to fade away quickly. (Pg. 326 and from Charlemagne was the son of Pepin and received the title Charlemagne from the pope, which also meant "Charles the Great." He was significantbecause he was an advocate of education, asked scholars to build a school to educatepeople, and he set out inspectors to keep the courts under control.(Pg. 327-329 ofMedieval and Early Modern Times Textbook ) 9) What is Manorialism? How is it different than feudalism? 10) How did Europe change after the fall of the Roman Empire? In other words; If the Roman Empire had not fallen, how would Europe have been different? Category Maximum Points Available Points EarnedAccuracy 50Summarization 30Coat of Arms 20Final Grade: _________________ Europe changed after the fall of the Romanempire by the division of Western Europe, the Roman culture quickly began to fade away, and the Anglo-Saxons conquered Southeastern Britain. If the Roman empire had not come to an end, Europe would have been different because their still would be some Greek and Roman culture and ideas left, the Visigoths and Ostrogoths wouldnot have been the only ones to hold onto the Romanculture.(Pg. 326 of Medieval and Early Modern TimesTextbook) 8) Medieval law was very harsh.Give Three examples/explain thepunishment criminals could expect for their crimes. Why was jail usually not an option? Medieval laws are very harsh, and here are some ways criminals were punished. First of all, there is ordeal by fire, which is when the accused person had a hot barof metal placed on their skin and if it healed in 3 days, the person was innocent, and if the wound started to rot, the person was guilty. Secondly, there is ordeal by bread, when the accused was forced to eat a full slice of bread. If he choked, he was guilty and if he didn't choke, he was innocent. Lastly, there is ordeal by cold water, when the accused person went into a tank of cold water. If he or she sank, their pureness would make them sink in the water, but if he was guilty she or he would stay at the top. Jail was not an option because they wanted to test tosee if the accused was guilty and to see if the person would suffer if they were guilty.( The Roman Catholic Church treated people that were against them excommunicating people, such as the time when Pope Gregory VII. announced that kings should not be able to appoint high classed churchofficials, and King Henry IV. disagreed with the pope. Then when Henry said he would not listen to Gregory, he said Gregory was not the pope any more and Gregory said that Henry was no longerking and excommunicated him, kickedhim out from church membership. This is an example of what the Roman Catholic Church does to those that do not listen to them.(Pg. 332 of Medieval and EarlyModern Times Textbook) 7) How did the Roman CatholicChurch exert authority overpeople? Manorialism is where there are people that work for a lord in his kingdom. Some of the people that worked for the lord were free were called freemen, while others who were called surfs, were people under the lord's rules, and had to follow all the things that he said. On the other hand, feudalism is the bond of loyalty between a lord and vassal, and most of the time, vassals were loyal. The difference between the two is that themanorial system was not based on loyalty, but based onpower because since the lords were more powerful andhigher class, they had the power to be in charge of theserfs and other peasants that lived in their manors (Pg.336 of Medieval and Early Modern Times Textbook)
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