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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 No matter whether you're a seasoned meditator or new to it.... -These tips will help maintain your posture -Help you relax into your body, and -Allow you to go deeper into your practice... Posture-Sit in easy pose with hipshigher than knees.{Sit on cushion or blankets} ORSit on chair with feet flat on ground.engage your hips. Meditating is a great practice to help release stress, balance your mind and find inner peace. No matter whether you're a seasoned meditator or beginner, -These tips will help you maintain your posture- Help you to go deeper into your practice and - Allow you to feel more confident about your meditation practice. WWW.ASTITVASEEKERS.COM Hands placed in Gyan Mudra{Seal of Wisdom}Pointer finger and thumb touch. Create a neck lock by slightly lowering chin,making sure back of neck is straight and head is directly aligned with ceiling. Meditating is a great practice to help release stress, balance your mind and find inner peace. It's easy to implement with consistency, commitment and support. These posture tips will make you feel more confident about you meditation practice. Hold your head high, Eyes closed focused on 3rd eye point aka Pitutary Gland.{Space between brows going up 1 inch} Shoulders relaxed. Roll them back & down away from your ears.Open chest & lead with heart Keep lower spine straight.Engage navel- pull in towards spine. Breath starts from abdomen and expands on inhale.Navel contracts back to spine on exhale. Are you Meditating Correctly? Are you Meditating Correctly? Jaw is relaxed. Tongue is placed where upper palate and top teeth touch. FOR FREE MINDFULNESS TOOLS SIGN UP AT Inhale through Nose for 4 counts, Hold Breath 4 Counts and Exhale Through The Nose for 4 Counts Breath starts from abdomen and belly expands on inhale. On exhalenavel contracts back to spine.
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