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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Medieval Time Period450 A.D. - 1066 A.D. o Fiction: Poetry, Folklore, Fairy Tales (The Arthurian Legends are especially common in this era), Mythology, Tall Tales.o Nonfiction: Autobiographies, biographies, narrative nonfictions, journals. Genre: & Poetry was especially prevalent as it was easy to write. Folklore tended to be exaggerations or mythifications of actual historical events that may or may not have actually happened, and could be passed on in both written and oral mediums. Fairy Tales are a step up, and tend to fall in the same vein as folklore. Mythology tended to be referential to the Greeks and Romans of old, whose time period had scarcely passed by the beginning of the Medieval Era. Tall Tales fall roughly equal to Fairy Tales. Poetry was also remarkable in that it began to be more shaped during the Medieval period, into what would be known as Epic Poetry.These stories typicallyrevolved around a larger-than-life hero, such as King Arthur or Dante in his own Divine Comedy. In addition, their stories tended to contain some sort of inner message regarding beliefs or, more often, religion. Autobiographies are merely an extensiveaccount of a persons life written by thatperson, and can thus coincide with journals. Biographies are similar in that the accountof a persons life could be written by afriend or family member, or expert.Narrative non-fictions could have beenwritten to serve as historical documents. Ideas: o Drama of the time was based on Catholic Mass but largely became secular later on. o Spiritual quests, love, and loyalty were woven into the poetry of the era, such as the Song of Roland, and the Arthurian Legends.o Germanic mythology combined with Christian spirituality formed tales such as Beowulf and the Song of Hildebrand. o People:King Arthur/Artorias (disputed) - a legendary British leader of the late 5th and early 6th centuriesCharlemagne - also known as Charles the Great or Charles I,died 814 A.D.The Pope (Yes, all of them)The early Kings Henryo Events:Invasion of England by William of Normandy (1066)Mohammed is born in 570.- Important Authors:o Nennius - 9th century Welsh monk o Geoffrey of Monmouth - a Welsh clerico Dante Alighieri - a major Italian poet of the late Middle Ageso Geoffrey Chaucer o Caedmon - o Venerable Bedeo Peter Abelard HistoryPope John Paul VI - Short Excerpt of Writing:o (From Dante Alighieris The Divine Comedy, Inferno) “Beatrice said she, the true praise ofGod, Why succourest thou not him, who loved thee so, For thee he issued from the vulgar herd? Dost thou not hear the pity of hisplaint? Dost thou not see the death that combats him Beside that flood, where ocean has no vaunt?” Never were persons in the world so swift To work their weal and to escape their woe, As I, after such words asthese were uttered, Came hither downwardfrom my blessed seat, Confiding in thy dignified discourse, Which honours thee, and those whove listened to it. After she thus had spokenunto me, Weeping, her shining eyes she turned away; Whereby she made me swifter in my coming; And unto thee I came, as she desired; I have delivered thee from that wild beast, Which barred the beautiful mountains short ascent. Citations double click to change this header text! Dante Alighieri. The Divine Comedy, translated by Henry F. Cary. Vol. XX.The Harvard Classics. New York: P.F. Collier & Son, 190914;,2001. [Date of Printout] o Alchin, Linda. "Famous People in Medieval Times." Siteseen Ltd., 1 June 2014. Web. 1 Jan. 2014.<>.o "Poetic Form: Epic." Poets. Academy of American Poets, 1 Jan. 2014. Web. 1 Feb. 2015. <>. double click to change this header text! by saphatthachat published: 23 January 2015Photo by digitalart. Published on 29 May 2011Photo by Paul. Published on 03 September 2010Photo by Naypong. Published on 05 November 2014Photo by artur84. Published on 25 March 2013Photo by luigi diamanti. Published on 06 August 2010All Photos are from
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