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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Legal AndEthical Lisa Brown January 20, 2015 EDU/315 Reflection: Primary Ethical and Legal Considerations Most ethical standards have legal implications in the education profession, and most legal standards have ethical elements. That is to say, if it is ethically wrong it is probably also illegal, and vice versa. Ethical: Reporting of abuse, cheating or other unethical activity is the right thing to do.Legal: In the field of education, it is also required by law. Our student's healthand well-being should matter to us becausewe care about them. We can be held liableif we have knowledge, but fail to report it. Ethical: We are morally obligated to keepour students safewhen they are in our care.Legal: We have a legal obligation to do so as well. Ethical:While employed as an educator, we mustnot use alcohol or drugs. Legal: Doing so on school grounds can lead to arrest (GaPSC, 2014). If a student is injured while in our care, we could be held responsible if we are found to be negligent in our supervision. Just like everyone else, we cannot commit illegal acts.Teachers must obey the law. Drinking alcohol is not against the law, but it is our duty to set good examples for our students.We are held to high standards,and our actionsoutside of theclassroom can havelasting effects on our students. Ethical:School Districts expect teachers to be honest. Legal: Educators areobligated, under law, to be honestwhen reporting grades, test scores, work history, and whenentrusted with students and school property. Ethical: Act as aProfessional with dignified, appropriate behavior. Legal: Laws state teachers can be removed for instances of Moral Turpitude (NEA, 2014). Educators must display Honesty and Integrity Ethical: Educators should be respectful of students' privacy.Legal: By law, they must notdisclose private,personal information. We are extremelyinfluential to students.Educators must always act professionallywith students inside and outside of the classroom. By law, teachers can be prosecuted for falsifying reports, mismanagingschool funds,or neglecting their duties. References:GaPSC.(2014). Code of Ethics for Educators. Retrieved January 21, 2014 from (2014). Code of Ethics for the Education Profession. Retrieved January 21, 2014 from
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