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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Analysisand Therapy History of Theory ofPersonality The Transcendent Function:If the search for power cannot be satisfied, the positivecomplex turns into a negative one or evokes the transcendent function, which isa confrontation of opposites, a conscious thought and an unconscious influence.The transcendent function bridges these two opposing attitudes or conditionsand in the process becomes a third force usually expressed through an emergingsymbol. The Personal Unconscious:Experiences, thoughts, feelings and perceptions that are not admitted by the ego are stored in the personal unconscious.These my be experiences that are trivial or unrelatedto present functioning.However, personal conflicts, unresolved moral concerns,and emotionally charged thoughts are an importantpart of the personalunconscious that may be repressed or difficult to access. Often these elementsemerge in dreams, as the personal unconscious, and may play an active role inthe production of dreams. Sometimes thoughts, memories, and feelings are associatedwith each other or represent a theme. The unconscious was not only personal but also collective.Jung was particularlyinterested in symbolsand universal patterns, called archtypes.In his study of human personalty, Jung was able to develop a typology that identifiedattitudes and functionsof the psyche that operateat all levels of consciousness. The Conscious Level:The only level that individualscan know directly. Starting at birth, it continues to grow throughout life. As people grow they becomedifferent from others; called individuation. Individuation is the goal of knowing oneself ascompletely as possible.As individuation increases consciousness,you also develop greater individuation.At the center of the conscious process is the ego. Ego refers to the means of organizingthe conscious mind into perceptions,thoughts and feelings and providesa sense of identity. Unconscious double click to change this title text! Essential to Jung's conception of personalityis the idea of unity or wholeness.Wholeness is represented by the psyche: thoughts,feelings, and behaviors, bothconscious and unconscious. Throughout their lives, individualsstrive to develop their own wholeness.Jung viewed the self as both the centerand totality of whole personality.Personality includes attitudes of individualsas well as ways they function psychologically. The collective unconscious:The concept that most distinguishes Jungs theoryof psychotherapy from other theories is that of the collective unconscious,which, in contrast to the personal unconscious, does not contain concepts orthoughts related to a specific person. The term collective denotes materials that are common to all humans andsignificant to them. The collective unconscious refers to an inherited tendency ofthe human mind to form representations of mythological motifsrepresentationsthat vary a great deal without losing their basic pattern (Jung, 1970a,p. 228). 3 Levels of Consciousness Carl Jung
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