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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- -----alldispatch Samuel morse: Used morse codes. Now train operators could call dispatch. Army men could use morse codes to send military back and forth. --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- --------------- My Invintor Infograph 1837 Telegraph Alexander Grambell:Now wealthy people could own a telephone and it opened up new jobs as phone operators. It would function by you speaking into the cone and the parchment would vibrate causing the needle to shake in the acid and cause a electrical current causing it to travel through the electrical wires and went to the other receiver. --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- -------------------- Thomas Edison: Now people could make factories could make the factories brighter and less dangerous then carosene lamps. The electricity would heat the philiment and it the philiment would get so hot it would glow. 1870 Alexander Grambell:Now wealthy people could own a telephone and it opened up new jobs as phone operators. It would function by you speaking into the cone and the parchment would vibrate causing the needle to shake in the acid and cause a electrical current causing it to travel through the electrical wires and went to the other receiver. Alexander Grambell:Now wealthy people could own a telephone and it opened up new jobs as phone operators. It would function by you speaking into the cone and the parchment would vibrate causing the needle to shake in the acid and cause a electrical current causing it to travel through the electrical wires and went to the other receiver. tap and hold------------------ --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- --------h Incandencent lightbulb
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