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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 TEAM TEACHING ESTABLECER LOS OBJETIVOS DE INVESTIGACION DETERMINAR LOS ASPECTOS A INVESTIGAR CONSTRUIR EL INSTRUMENTODE RECOLECCION DE DATOS RECOLECTAR LOS DATOS TOMA DE DECISIONES Y PLANIFICACION DE ESTRATEGIAS DEFINIR LAS FUENTESDE INFORMACION ANALISIS YPRESENTACION DE RESULTADOS RESEARCH TO BUILD AND PRESENT KNOWLEDGE Classroom Teacher (All Content Areas)CCR Anchor Standards for WritingResearch To Build And Present KnowledgeGrades 6-8 Library Media SpecialistSecondary Information LiteracyAnd Research CurriculumGrades 6-8 Conduct short researchAnswer self-generated questionsDraw on several sourcesGenerate additional questions Gather information from printand digital sourcesUse search terms effectivelyAssess the credibility and accuracy ofeach sourceQuote or paraphrase data andconclusions of othersAvoid plagiarismFollow a standard format for citation Draw evidence frominformational texts tosupport analysis, reflection,and research double click to change this header text! Formulate research questionsbased on information needs Conduct short researchAnswer self-generated questionsDraw on several sourcesGenerate additional questions Select and use a varietyof appropriate sources Utilize keywords as partof the search strategy Navigate and use electronicdatabases for research Critically judge the usefulnessof information sources Draw conclusions frominformation and createnew knowledge Avoid plagiarism by practicing paraphrasing skills Create citations using MLA format and/or other formats TOOLS FOR TEACHING THESE SKILLS
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