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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The top of the diagram is the types of magma/lava. The type of magma/lava determines the color of the rock. Rocks made out of granitic magma is light in color and rocks formed out of basaltic lava are dark in color The bottom left of the diagram is intrusive and extrusive. Large crystals = intrusive = forms slowly and small crystals = extrusive = forms quickly Malina ColburnHow to use a igneous rock identification tabe Steps to using the Igneous Rock Identification Table.1. Find whether the rock is intrusive or extrusive.2. Find the type of texture the rock3. After finding those two thing find the type of magma/lava the rock has.4. Line those three things up almost like playing battleship.5. Find the name of the rock Texture is the size, shape and distribution of the crystals or grains that make up a rock. Coarse grained rocks have big crystals and fine grained rocks is when it has small crystals This is Pumice. Pumice has small crystals, is light in color and is extrusive. This rock is vesicular since it has holes and its magma is granitic since its light in color. To find that that this rock is pumice I went to the extrusive row and then went to the vesicular row and I my finger there. Then I found the column for granitic and slide down until my fingers met each other and that's how I know this rock is pumice. Rocks that are shiny, slick, smooth and has no crystals are glassy and rocks with hole are vesicular
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