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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Was it worth it? 30% of the Congo Jungle was shrunken due to rubber cultivation. Land strictly forKing Leopold II: 66.67% Land left for native Congolese:33.33% Schools wereconstructed in the Congo. The Effects of Rubber Cultivation The latex that makes rubber is collected by hand from either a vine or tree. The Congolese men,who were called rubber tappersor rubbers, would have to rubthe latex on their body's for it to hardenand coagulate. The latex was then shipped to Belgium, where it was turned into rubber. There was in increase inpublic works in Belgium. More people were needed to turnthe latex into rubberMore people were also needed todesign and construct Leopold'sbuildings and urban projects, exploiting the resources from the Congo. Belgium also profited fromthe cultivation of ivory,lumber, and timber. 0 5 10 15 20 1890 1895 1900 1905 Native Congolese Population (in millions) There was a drastic drop in thepopulation of the Congo. Between 1884 and 1906, approximately 13 million liveswere lost. Common causes ofdeath were disease,exposure to dangerousworking conditions, exhaustion,starvation, and a lack of birth rates. The Force Publique made surethe natives were working hardand meeting their quotas.Those who refused to workor did not reach their quotas werepunished by the Force Publique The soldiers would burn down theirvillages, kidnap and even kill their families, and would cut offtheir hands. The price for rubber wasbecoming more expensivebecause more countries wanted it. Belgium had almosttotal control of rubber distribution,since they took over the Congoand the latex that is usedto make rubber, is abundantly produced in the Congo. Isaiah MannGlobal History Gold
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