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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Integrated Comprehensive Services Creating proactive comprehensive services for all learners. Current Practices in Schools: Specialized or tracked classrooms reinforced by "specific interventions" that require students with specific abilities to be grouped together. From: "Program-Driven" deficit-based models BIG IDEAS: To: Proactive "Service Delivery" -focus on equity and best practices-establish equitable structures-all learners have access to high quality teaching and learning through developing teacher capacity-leverage policy and procedures in response to non-negotiables School System Norm Student Fails School System Continues StudentReceives Bandage Short Term Results Reactionary programs perpetuate and create achievement gaps Separate programs:-Encourage tracking of students.-Are costly-Require additional time and resources-Exclude some students-Fragment the student's day-Doesn't allow for transfer of educator and student knowledge and skills-Achievement gaps increase, and become greater as students are pulled out of the core teaching and learning.-Provide less rigor (isolates students by ability) Educators provide services across children and environments. Moving toward ICS Instruction for all learners is premised on a rigorous core curriculum for all students. TBTs co-plan and co-serve through proactive instructional practices for every learner. Curriculum is differentiated for the needs of all learners the first time the concept is taught. Non-negotiables for best practice and proportional representations. Establishment of collaborative teams - TBTs. What research tells us: Students learn more when they are working in heterogeneous groups rather than homogenous ability groups. Friendships play an important role in learning. Exclusion of students from social interactions is linked with disengagement and lower academic achievement. More often than not, when students do not learn, they do not need more. They need different. Align district goals, strategies, and vision. Establish structures to support collective capacity building. Clarify principals of practice and non-negotiables. Hattie, 2009Frattura, 2015
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