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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 DARPA ARPANET Defense Advanced Research Project: Created in order to secure America's lead in technology. 1966: A large-scale computer network to accelerate knowledge transfer and avoid doubling up of already existing research. RAND NPL CYCLADES Military network created in America by Rand Corporation. Commercial network created inEngland by the National Physical Laboratory as a commercial basis. Scientific network created in France by Cyclades. IMPWorked as an interface for the mainframe, itstarted programs and was in charge of data files. NCPWas developed for the 1st connections between computers, it was replaces by the TCP which verificated the file transfer. Packet SwitchingCreated to avoid congestion, where the sent files were divided into smaller packets and were put together again at the receiver. Meanwhile, American aircraft discovered missiles in Cuba able to reach the US. In 1962 information systems had Centralized Network Architecture, to avoid the breakdown during an attack they created a Decentralized Network so the network would be still operative. Communication worked through radio waves, in case of an atomic they wouldn't work so the Distributed Network was created so long distances could be covered with a minimum interference. The communication with other networks was developed as INTER-NET. During communication computers didn't intervene anymore,just serve as a transfer node. X.25 Protocol was developedby the phone companies,they enabled communication in exchange of money. The TCP connected computers through gateways. The International Organizationfor Standardization designedthe OSI Reference Model, an attempt to standardize thenetwork. It allowed the TCP/IPProtocol, a standard that guaranteed compability between networks and merged them creating Internet. 1990The ARPANET hardwarewas removed but the Internetkept running. Contributions of the Project From sharing the processing power of one computer with multiple users (Time Sharing) andinstalling the Remote Connectionso the developers could workdirectly on the computers. To communicationthrough all machinesusing a physical layerthat was implementedinto the hardwareproviding a directconnection with thereceiver; Standardisizingthe network form itsends and the channel'sdivision in several layers. Finally allowing not justcommunication betweeneveryone, but extendingcommerce; Contributingto the world's economyand to the futuredevelopment of technology. DARPA
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