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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 What are the causes and consequences of genocide? Genocide is the methodicalprocess of killing a specificgroup of people based ontheir beliefs (political/national,racial, religious, ethnical, orany other belief system). GENOCIDE CAUSES CONSEQUENCES The irrational concept that a society, a nation,or even the entire world's population couldbecome perfect by eliminating people withimperfections.Killing all people that do not conform to the"perfect" skin, hair, or eye color, people withdifferent religious views, or another ethnicity, etc.Hatred for a group of people that do not conformto a narrow point of view.Justification for genocide can be simply thehatred, but it is generally defined in ways likecreating a perfect society, eliminating the bad microbes,germs or viruses of the world, much the sameas eliminating weeds from a garden.Waring groups or countries tend to thing of entirepopulations and sects as the "enemy" as carryout acts of genocide accordingly. Many people die, and their deaths are generallyhorrific (killed by axes, swords, spears, guns,burning to death, gas chambers, and many otherways). To escape death, large numbers of people flee theirhomeland, becoming refugees in camps with little orno sanitation resulting in wide spread disease.Starvation is common because what littleinfrastructure there may have been is destroyed.Disease results from large numbers of decayingbodies that are not properly processed. Hatred that lasts for generations (and longer).Many nations from around the world get drawn intothe conflict -- huge amounts of resources thatcould be spent more wisely are wasted. Innocentparties attempting to provide aid are killed as theyattempt to assist. "What are the Main causes of Genocide?." E-International Relations Students. E-International Relations Students. Web. 25 Feb 2015. <>. "What are the Main causes of Genocide?." E-International Relations Students. E-International Relations Students. Web. 25 Feb 2015. <>."The Rwanda Genocide." History. History. Web. 25 Feb 2015. <>.
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