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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Blood on the Streets: Comparing Tunisia And Egypt's Revolutions Egypt Tunisia Revolution: Mass protests inTunisia Starting on Dec. 17, 2010 caused their leader, Ben Ali, to resign.Soon after, starting on Jan. 25, 2011, people in Egypt staged protests, causing Hosni Mubarak to be overthrown.Both countries are now leaderless. Starting in 2010, a series of revolutions Rocked the middle east. PeopleDemanded more freedom and democracy. Today we will follow the timeline of 2 of the most signifigant revolutions: the ones in Egypt and Tunisia. Throughout the rest of 2011, Tunisia prepares for democraticelections. An assembly is elected,and also a new president: MoncefMarzouki. Small protests continue to happen,but overall the new government holds.It is overall accepted by the people ofTunisia. Marzouki reigns until another election is held in 2014, and he isdefeated by Beji Caid Essebsi. Considering that the new government held,and the reelection of their leaders was alsosuccessful, I would say the Tunisian revolutionwas: A Success! The official death toll of the Tunisian revolution: 338 In 2012, Egypt had parliamentaryand presidential elections. Mohomed Morsi was elected as president. In July of 2013, Morsi is oustedby the military after large protestscaused by Morsi giving himself morepower, and his support of the MuslimBrotherhood Another election is held in May of 2014.Abdel Fattah El-sisi, a former militaryleader, wins by a landslide. Despite this,There have been continued protests of hisrule since he was elected. The official death toll ofthe Egyptian revolution: 4300+ The Egyptian revolution has hadmany bumps on it's way towardsdemocracy, but it isn't over yet.We will have to Wait and see.
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