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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 What is theGrass Fight? A man named Deaf Smith discovered a mule train on November 26, 1835. this mule trainhad the possibility of having money, which would be might for paying the Mexican army.A group of 100 Texans were sent to delay the train. They had 4 wounded in theirlosses, while the Mexicans had 3 dead and 14 wounded. It was mostly in vain,as the train only had grass for the animals to eat. Grass Fight Translation: Camp Above Bexar27th Novr. 1835To Edw. BurlesonComm. in Chief of theVolunteer Army of TexasSir I have the honor to report that in pursuanceof your order on Yesterday. I took up the line ofmarch with detachments of Infantry from differentcompanies amounting in the aggregate to about100 men for the purpose of intercepting theexpected convoy. We proceeded at a brisk trotto the creek which though cold wide and deep wasforded by the men with the greatest cheerfulness.Shortly after crossing one of my scouts reported thatthere was firing ahead between our cavalry undercommand of Col. Bowie, and a party of theenemy. Our march was continued in doublequick time for about half an hour when wearrived near the scene of action. We wereadvancing in tolerably good order and indouble file when we were saluted from the distanceof forty to sixty yards by a tremendous dischargeof musketry along our whole line from an un-expected and undiscovered foe.It was immediately ascertained that theenemy was concealed in a ditch and completelyhidden by the thick muskeet [mesquite] bushes.A second and third heavy fire was received andreturned when the order for a charge wasgiven by the Assistant Adjutant General(Col. Sublett) which was executed with promptnessalacrity and determined courage.The first division flanked to the right and the second to theleft and in a few moments the ditch and field were clearedof every Mexican except their dead & wounded.The firing still continued along the linewith very considerable warmth until the enemyafter three discharges from their cannonwith grape and canister, retired underthe protection of their batteries in townleaving us in quiet possession of the field.It would be unjust to particularize as to the conductof the officers and men under my command on this occasion. Sufficeit to say that each man so far as my observation extended did what Texasexpected of him. The only cause of complaint arose from their impetuosity.My feelings however will not permit me to close without noticing the gallantconduct of the aged veteran Captain Jas. Burleson [father of Edward Burleson].He flew from one end of the field to the other constantly urging us on to theconflict and contributed in a most eminent manner to the successful result which followed.The loss of the infantry is one man missing and three very slightly wounded. The foregoing isconceived to be a sufficient report in as much as you were present at every point of the sceneof action performing alikethe duties of a General and a soldier.I have the honor to be yourob't serv'tWm. H. Jack
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