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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 study abroad opportunites in Italy and France, Switzerland, and Spain 3 Whittier College Cheerleading Captain Central Catholic H.S. Cheerleading Published author "The Power of Mobile Marketing. Biz CEOs. July 12, 2011 My Past My Future My Present The Mighty Ivy: An Entrepreneurial Business Venture Member ofPhi Alpha & Delta Phi Upsilon Honor Societies 2 Internships 400+ hours 4 Mexico Mission Trips Two term re-elected sorority President Four term re-elected.Executive Board Member 1000+ Hours of Work Experience in Family Owned Businesses -Northwest Paper Box -Launch Insight Geriatric Social Worker & Marketing Coordinator 3 10 3 interns that I have directly supervised years working at SASSFA Number of CommitteesI serve on. This includes the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health:Hoarding Task Force Programs that I have helpedconceptualize and pioneer. 2 Clients and their caregiversthat I am directly responsible for 50 1 Cuban Mission Trip Completion of "The Art of Sales Negotiation" Intensive Workshop Attended two Association of IndependentCorrugated Contractors Conventions Charter Member of the SASSFA Cities Collaboration Group Advisory Alumni for the Athenian Society at Whittier College Agency Ambassadorto local city and state senior fairs Member of event planning committee celebrating and benefiting government employees double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. Learn from influential professors, increasing the knowledge, technical business skillsand develop invaluable connections Work diligently to understandthe concepts being taught in the classroom. Claremont Drucker School of Management Engage, collaborate, and learn from peers also working for their MBA Work in an internship,developing connections inSouthern California and putting my technical knowledgeof business to work. Graduate from Claremont Drucker with a Masters in Business after developingimportant connections, knowledge and practice of the business worldand a foundation for my professional career. Grow family business throughmarketing, product development and expansion. Incorporate skills learned atClaremont Drucker to seek further job opportunites and learningopportunities. Continue to achieve awardsin customer service, and in workplace enviorment, encouraging brand loyaltyand employee loyalty. Open two new plants. One in Washingtonand one in Hawaii openingup marketplace and optionsfor further business development. Develop partnershipswith local service agencies, providing support through funding, job training and availability,employee volunteer programs,and through donations of physicalgoods.
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