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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Maturity of mind is the capacity to endure uncertainty. Physics Information and Equations!Greta Zolynas Isaac NewtonNewton was a well known scientistwho was mainly credited for threemain things: three universal lawsof gravity, progress in the electromagnetic spectrum, and advances in calculus. He studiedat Trinity College and the University of Cambridge. He waselected for Royal's Society in 1672,elected for Parliament in1691,elected president for Royal'sSociety in 1703, and was knightedin 1705. Newton's 1st LawNewton's 1st Law states, "An object at reststays at rest and an object in motion staysin motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by anunbalanced force." An example of thiswould be, if an apple sits on a table, it willcontinue to sit on the table unless someonepicks it up or knocks it over. The sameapplies with motion. If an asteroid ismoving north at 200km/s in space, it willcontinue to do so until an outside forcealters its path, such as a black hole or a planet. Inertia is the resistance an objecthas to a change in its state of motion. Thisdirectly ties in with the previous example.The inertia the asteroid has is causing it to continue moving at that speed and in that direction. Newton's 2nd LawNewton's 2nd Law states, "Theacceleration of an object is dependent on two variables - the net force acting upon the object and the mass of the object. Thisbasically states that an object will onlyaccelerate if there is a net force orunbalanced force acting on it. The equationfor force is F=ma. This says that the forceon an object equivalent to the object'smass times its acceleration. WeightWeight is the force of gravity on the object.This is why there are differences of weighton different planets. You are lighter on themoon than earth because the force of gravity on you is less. Weight is a force,measured in the Newtons. The equation forweight is w=mg, which means weight isequivalent to mass times the accelerationof gravity. Universal Law of GravityThe Universal Law of Gravity states that any two objects exert a gravitational force on eachother. This is dependent on both masses of andthe distance that separates their centers squared.This happens anywhere and everywhere in theuniverse. For example, this is why the moonand earth are attracted to each other, and why theplanets orbit around the sun. Tides/Moon PhasesA tide is the alternate rising and falling of thesea. A spring tide is when the sun, earth and moon are aligned. The high tides are high andthe low tides are low due to the focusedgravitational pull. A neap tide is when the sunand moon are perpendicular to each other.This levels out the gravitational pull on thewaves and makes the difference betweenthe high and low tides very small. There are four main moon phases: new, 1st quarter, full, and 3rd quarter. Around each 1st and3rd quarter, there is a neap tide. Around eachnew and full moon, there is a spring tide. Projectile MotionProjectile motion is when an object leavesits launch point and travels in a parabolicpath. If there weren't any horizontal orvertical components, the object wouldkeep moving at the same speed and directionas initially launched. Say when you throwa ball, the horizontal factor is air resistance,and the vertical factor is gravity. The horizontal and vertical component duo causes the ball's path to go like a parabola. Newton's 3rd LawNewton's 3rd Law states, "For every action,there is an equal and opposite reaction."Forces come in pairs known as action-reaction pairs. An example would be a birdflying. The bird pushes their wing downwards.The air is pushed down, and in return, the birdis pushed up, allowing it to fly. The equationfor this would be . MomentumMomentum is the quantity of motion of amoving body. The equation is p=mv. This meansthe momentum is equal to the mass and volumeof the object. Impulse is the change ofmomentum of a body or physical system overtime. This is the label of the change inmomentum over time, to sum up the definition.An elastic collision is an encounter between two bodies in which the total kinetic energyof the two bodies after the encounter is equalto their total kinetic energy before theencounter. An example of this would be playingpool. When the white ball hits a colored ball, the kinetic energy is transferred from the white ball to the colored ball, causing it tomove. An inelastic collision is when twoobjects hit and stay together. An example ofthis would be a football tackle. One footballplayer runs into another, and they collideand stay on the ground. Conservation of Momentum is the momentum before the collision is the same after the collision. Even if it caused the two objects to halt, the momentum is still present. Gravity rules!
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