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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 What is flipped instruction? How does it work? There is no single model for the flipped classroom—the term is widely used to describe almost any class structure that provides prerecorded lectures followed by in-class exercises. Why is it significant? Where is it going? 7 Things You Should Know About the Flipped Classroom Who is doing it? What are the down sides? What are the implications for teaching and learning? The flipped classroom is a pedagogical model in which the typical lecture and homework elements of a course are reversed. Devoting class time to application of concepts might give instructors a better opportunity to detect errors in thinking, particularly those that are widespread in a class. At the same time, collaborative projects can encourage social interaction among students, making it easier for them to learn from one another and for those of varying skill levels to support their peers. As the flipped class becomes more popular, new tools may emerge to support the out-of-class portion of the curriculum. A growing number of higher education individual faculty have begun using the ipped model in their courses. The flipped classroom is an easy model to get wrong. Although the idea is straightforward, an e ective ip requires careful preparation. The flipped model puts more of the responsibility for learning on the shoulders of students while giving them greater impetus to experiment.
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