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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Fallacies of Argument Fallacies of Emotional Argument - Appeals to False Authority: Using authority in your argument that is not relevant to your argument.- Dogmatism: The refusal to even consider the opponent's point-of-view. - Ad Hominem Arguments: Criticizing the opponent as a person, and not focusing on their logic.- Stacking the Deck: Any evidence that supports the opposing argument is ignored. Fallacies of Logical Argument - Scare Tactics: Is used to manipulate the audience about a topic by creating fear.- Either-or Choices: Giving the audience limited choices to choose from, when there are other alternatives not listed.- Bandwagon Appeals: An argument is valid because many people accept it.- Slippery Slope: A person assumes that one event will automatically lead to another.- Overly Sentimental Appeals: Appealing to someone's deep emotions. Fallacies of Ethical Argument - Hasty Generalization: Making a quick decision without looking at all of the evidence.- Faulty Causality: Assuming that since one thing happened after a specific event, that specific event caused the one thing to happen.- Begging the Question: Repeating the same argument over and over again without supporting it with evidence.- Equivocation: A key term is used in an argument where it means one thing in one section of the argument and another thing in another section of the argument.- Non Sequitar: There is a divide between your argument and your conclusion.r- Straw Man: One side of the argument is exaggerated so no one will agree with it.- Red Herring: When you change the subject in your argument out of nowhere. - Faulty Analogy: Assumes that since two things are alike in one way, they are automatically alike in another way. Fallacy- A mistaken belief based on an invalid argument.
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