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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 FSA FCAT vs. Florida Standards Assessment | Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test Tests Being Given in 2015 The FCAT for Science will be testing theNGSSS (Next Generation Sunshine State Standards). Question Types 1. 2. Allowable Oral/Signed Presentation Accommodations FSA will be testing the new Common CoreFlorida Standard. The Florida Standards in Mathematics and English Language Arts were approved by the Florida State Board of Education in February 2014 and will be fully implemented in grades K–12 in the 2014–2015 school year. All Florida schools will teach the Florida Standards, and the Florida Department of Education (FDOE) has contracted with the American Institutes for Research (AIR) to develop and administer new statewide assessments. These assessments will provide parents, teachers, policy makers and the general public with information regarding how well students are learning the Florida standards. 4-5 Grade ELA Writing3-5 Grade ELA Reading3-5 Grade Mathematics 5th Grade Science 1 2 MultipleChoice GriddedResponse Multiple Choice WrittenResponse TEITechnology- enhanced Items Editing TaskChoice Editing Task Hot Text Selectable Dragand Drop Open Response MultiSelect Equation Editor*Math Only Matching Item*Math only Table Item*Math Only EvidenceBased SelectedResponce *ELA Multi Media*ELA Only GriddedResponse Source: Mathematics & ELA Test Design Summaries DirectionsWriting PromptReading ItemsReading Answer ChoicesMath ItemsMath Answer Choices DirectionsMath ItemsMath Answer ChoicesScience ItemsScience Answer Choices
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