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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 MexicoCompulsory education lasts 14 years from age 4 to age 17For primary to post-secondary education, the academic year begins in September and ends in June U.S.Compulsory education lasts 12 years from age 6 to age 17For primary to post-secondary education, the academic year begins in July and ends in May What are the most recent PISA scores (2012)? Mexico and the United States The government expenditure per student in US $ Mexico15 yr olds in reading 424 pts Pre-primaryPrimarySecondaryTertiary How do schools discipline students? Mexico U.S. What is the standardized testing policy?When do students test and what do they take? United States of AmericaNational Assessment Of Educational ProgressGrades 4, 8 and/or 12 (variable)Civics, Science, writing,Literature, reading, music, Math, art, social studies,Life andcomputer skills, US history, geography MexicoAprovechamiento Escolar Grades 3–6 and years 1–3 secondary Language, Math, Sci., Soc. Sci., ForeignCarrera Magistral Instrumento para el Grade 6 Reading, verbal and Diagnóstico Numericalde Alumnos de Nuevo IngresoSecundaria Grades 3, 6 and year 3Exámenes de la Calidad y el Logro Spanish, Math2006EducativosEvaluación Nacional del Logro Grades 3, 6 and year 3 Spanish, Math2007 What is the unemployment rate in the country?Unemployment Rate in the United States decreased to 5.50 percent in February of 2015 from 5.70 percent in January of 2015. The number of long-term unemployed (those jobless for 27 weeks or more) was little changed at 2.7 million in February. These individuals accounted for 31.1 percent of the unemployed. Over the past 12 months, the numberof long-term unemployed is down by 1.1 million. MexicoUnemployment Rate in Mexico increased to 4.51 percent in January of 2015 from 3.76 percent in December of 2014. In Mexico, the unemployment rate measures the number of people actively looking for a job as a percentage of the labor force. This page provides - Mexico Unemployment Rate - actual values, historical data, forecast, chart, statistics, economic calendar and news. $10,106.7 94.23 $1,431.4 The age ranges of the levels in the education systems? United StatesCorporal punishment remains a legal form of discipline in 19 states, most of them in the South, according to the Center for Effective Discipline, a nonprofit based in Columbus, Ohio, that provides educational information on corporal punishment and alternatives to its use. That's a decrease from 2004, when 22 states permitted the practice MexicoCorporal punishment is consideredunlawful in schools, though it is not explicitly prohibited. The federal Law for the Protection of the Rights of Children and Adolescents 2000 states that “at schools or similar institutions, owners, managers, educators, teachers or administrative staff will be responsible for avoiding any form of abuse, prejudice, harm, aggression, abuse or exploitation against children and adolescents Mexico United States How long is compulsory education required? What is the homework policy? If no formal policy exists, what is the norm for that country? U.S5 to 10 minutes per subject might be appropriate for 4th graders junior high school students, the benefits increased as time increased, up to 1 to 2 hours of homework a night, 7 to 12 hours of homework per week produced the largest effect size for 12th grade students. Mexico1.You have to turn in your homework on time. Otherwise you’ll get an automatic 0.2.It must be your own work, no plagiarism is allowed.Student that plagiarizes gets a 0.3.For Groups 1 and 2 every homework will be in English.Group 3 can choose either English or Spanish United States15 yr olds in reading 498 pts 12,370,405 - 4,625,37224,931,740 - 14,155,85525,638,341 - 14,231,41422,268,612 - 11,041,471 What is the literacy rate of adults? (‡) 96.14 United States Mexico What is the graduation rate at the secondary (high school) level? At the tertiary (college) level?Include both 2 and 4 year degrees whenever possible. Mexico38% of men have successfully completed high-school compared with 35% of women but was below 5% for 2 year degreesGraduation rates range from 20% and below in Mexico United States of AmericaIn school year 2011–123.1 million public high school students81% graduated on time with a regular diploma.In the U.S. 42% of all 25-64 year-olds have a tertiary (higher education) attainment, making it one of the most well-educated countries in the world. States
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