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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Eating Disorders Anorexia Nervosa Weight is at least 15% less than the normal healthy weight expected for one's heightIntense fear of gaining weightDistorted image of one's bodyAmenorrhea for three consecutive months in girls who have startedtheir periods Diagnostic Criteria for Anorexia: Restrictive subtype: Weight loss is achieved by heavily restricting calories Binge-purge subtype: One may achieve weight loss by also purging the food that they have eaten by vomiting, excessive exercise, or use of diuretics Types of Anorexia: Health Risks: Brittle hair and nailsDry skinCold intoleranceAnemiaReduced muscle massAmenorrheaSwelling of joints OsteoporosisSlow heart rateLow blood pressureIrregular heart rhythmsHeart failureInfertilityDeath Bulimia Nervosa Diagnostic Criteria for Bulimia: Repeatedly binging (eating an abnormally large amount of food) and feeling that you can't control your eatingGetting rid of the extra calories from bingingby vomiting, using laxatives, diuretics, or excessively exercising (purging).Binging and purging at least twice a week for at least 3 months Health Risks: Electrolyte imbalancesHeart attackHigh blood pressureSevere headachesSeizures FatigueBloatingUlcers Kidney infectionKidney failureOsteoporosisTooth decay and lossInfertility Bulimia does not havea weight requirement. People suffering from bulimia are often at ahealthy weight or overweight. Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS) A person with EDNOS struggleswith eating disorder thoughts, feelings, or behaviors, but does not have all the symptoms or meet the full criteria of anorexia or bulimia. Far more individualssuffer from EDNOS than from anorexia and bulimia combined. EDNOS was previously referred to as 'Disordered Eating,' and now is beginning to be referredto as Other SpecifiedFeeding or Eating Disorder (OSFED). Binge Eating Disorder (BED) BED is characterized by compulsive overeatingin which people consumehuge amounts of foodwhile feeling out of controland unable to stop.They feel distressed or upset during or after bingeing. They struggle with feelings of guilt, disgust, and depression.Unlike bulimia, they do notpurge. Sources Bulimia Nervosa. (n.d.). Retrieved January 4, 2015, from Nervosa. (n.d.). Retrieved January 4, 2015, from Eating Disorder. (n.d.). Retrieved January 4, 2015, from nervosa. (n.d.). Retrieved January 4, 2015, from - The National Alliance on Mental Illness. (n.d.). Retrieved January 4, 2015, from Consequences of Eating Disorders | National Eating Disorders Association. (n.d.). Retrieved January 4, 2015, from
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