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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 & There is no longer a single tested cohort due to end-of-course (EOC) testing. Schools may be negatively impacted if less thanof students test in each respective grade level &subject. A middle school student taking a HS math should take both grade level & the EOC test. 95% AIMS School Year Proposed Accountability Transition Plan if enrolled Testing by Grade Per student in the one-hour class. 4 classes of 30 students 2014-2015 AzMERIT or NCSC AzMERIT or NCSC& AIMS/AIMS A Science AzMERIT or NCSC AzMERIT or NCSC AzMERIT or NCSC AzMERIT or NCSC High School 4 7 6 AzMERIT or NCSC AzMERIT or NCSC 5 AzMERIT or NCSC High School AzMERIT or NCSC OR EOC ELA EOC ALG1 EOC ALG2 7 EOC GEO Students enrolled in these courses (any sequence) must test regardlessof AIMS participation. 10 11 8 11 OR Eligible HS students take NCSC (alternate assessment)in grade 11 only. 11 AZELLA if applicable. K-12 if applicable. 12 2015 Students graduating before 12/31/2016. 11 - AzMERIT or NCSC& AIMS/AIMS A Science enrolled when enrolled Arizona Department of Education Arizona introduces legislation to suspend A-F letter grades for school years 2014-2015 & 2015-2016. FEB ESEA waiver application, due 3/31/2015, must identify criteria to identify Reward, Focus, Priority schools; request suspension of federal labels/status for 2014-2015 school year MARCH JULY AUGUST Waiver granted/reauthorized Revert to AYP
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