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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 AMAO 2 AMAO* 1 Percent of EL Students Making Annual Progress in Learning English Percent of ELs in a language educational program for fewer than 5 years who MET the CELDT proficiency AMAO 2 Percent of ELs in a language educational program for 5 years or more who MET the English Proficient level on the CELDT 2012-13 ELA % meeting target / participation 96% 97% 95% AMAO 3CAHSEEProficiency Did EL subgroup meet targets for proficiency rate in ELA and Math Academic Standards (CAHSEE) 55.4% 57.5% 59% 49% 2012-2013 2013-2014 21.4% 22.8% 8.1% 7.5% 2013-2014 2012-2013 47% 22.7% 49% 2012-2013 Yes 2013-14 math AMAO 3CAHSEEParticipation 95% 97% 2012-13 math 95% 97% 2013-14 ELA 95% 88.9% 88.7% 2013-2014 16.3% 26.6% math 2012-2013 2013-2014 math ELA 48.4% 39.6% 100% 100% No Yes SH* Yes SH* No No No No Yes Yes Yes AMAO 1 How are EL students at each level of the CELDT meeting their growth target?Percent of studentsmaking yearly progress of at least one CELDT level. 51 number in proficiency level prior year % meeting growth target beginning 74 52.9% 58.1% early intermediate 231 35.5% intermediate 23 e. adv./adv.-not proficient 34.8% 139 e. adv./adv-proficient TOTAL 518 68.3% 49.2% AMAO 2 early intermediate intermediate e. adv./adv.-not proficient 6+ years e. adv./adv-proficient 3 yearsor less TOTAL 4 years 36-6% 70-12% 297-50% 5 years 36(6%) 70(12%) 24(4%) 297(50%) 3(33%) 164(28%) 2(22%) 1(11%) 3(18%) 2(22%) 5(29%) 7(41%) 0(0%) 64(37%) 16(9%) 104-13% 36(21%) 0(0%) 55(32%) 16(9%) 104-13% 116(15%) 104(13%) 359(46%) 25(3%) 184(23%) How are EL students performing on the CAHSEE according to the lenght of time they have beenin U.S. schools (6+ years)?* How are R-FEP students performing on the CAHSEE according to the lenght of time they have been in U.S. schools (6+ years)?* Note: CAHSEE Passed vs. Proficient proficient ELA 35(20%) ELA 5(3%) 67(39%) 428(92%) math *Annual Measurable Academic Objectives 1(11%) *Passed by Safe Harbor: An alternate method of meeting the Annual Measurable Objective (AMAO) 49.92% beginning 237(51%) passed math No No No ELA 31.7% 413(89%) 15(9%) Did EL subgroup meettargets for participation rate in ELA and MathAcademic Standards(CAHSEE) target 283(61%) How are ELs performingon CELDT basedon length of timein language instructionprograms in the U.S.
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