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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Digital Citizenship in the Classroom Areas of Behavior Reality - 78 percent of teens aged 12 17 now own a cell phone - 458 minutes - that's how much time the average teen spends using media each day Rescources m Etiquette Communication Educaton Access Commerce Ressponsibility Rights Saftey Security Inappropriate Use Strategies to Overcome Students text non-school related info back and forth in class Use case studies to demonstrate aappropriateuse in context Students use IM shorthand in ever day writing leading to bad habits in formal writing Demonstrate scenarioswhere IM shorthand wouldbe appropriate Teachers do not teach studentshow technology can be used to findcredible resources and materials Teach information literacy (e.g.,identifying, accessing, applying,and creating information) by usingtechnology-infused projects Teachers fail to accommodate studentswho do not have access. Allow students to work together onassignments (i.e., pair students withno or limited access to technologywith others who have significantlygreater access). Students purchase goods onlinewithout knowledge of how to protecttheir identity (identity theft) Teach students about the dangersof identity theft and how to protectthemselves. Students copy material off theInternet for class projects withoutgiving credit to the author Begin discussion on student perceptions of ethical/unethical technology use. Students violate school acceptableuse policies (AUPs) because theyview them as unfair Engage students about the differencesbetween rights in school and outsideschool when using technology Teachers are unaware of possiblenegative physical effects of technologyon students. Make students aware of the long termphysical effects of certaintechnology use. Students do not protect theiridentities while online Teach students how to conductregular checks for viruses or othersoftware intrusions using approvedsoftware.
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