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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Loss of territories - productive land,industries and raw resources Drex vs eDrex Evolution of eDrex 99% 98% 1% 2% 9% 91% 19% 17% 83% 81% Q42013 Q12014 Q22014 Q32014 Q42014 Q12015 Q1 2014: 263 documents received i.e.1% of the B publication for the quarter. Q4 2014: 2879 documents receivedi.e. 17 % of B publication for the quarter. Q1 2015: 2927 document receivedi.e.19% of the B publication for the quarter. Q42013 Q12014 Q22014 Q32014 Q42014 Q12015 eDrex Drex 98% Q1 2014: 84 pages per eDrex document compared to 44 pages per DREX. Avg Pages Drex Difficulties processing eDrex Average page per documentstabilised in Q4 2014. 2% Avg Pages eDrex 84 54 53 48 45 45 45 45 44 44 44 43 Q4 2013: Rate of manual intervention in OCR proofing for eDrex documents was273% higher compared to Drex documents. 273% Q42013 Q12014 Q22014 Q32014 Q42014 Q12015 77% 79% 25% 6% 13% Rate of Manual Intervention in OCR proofing Q1 2015: 45 pages per eDrex document compared to 43 pages per Drex. Q1 2015: Rate of Manual interventionin OCR proofing is still 613%higher compared to Drex documents. Main factors for this increase is due to the mixture of eDrex symbols on one document due to multiple versions of eDrex and also due to Hand written amendments on eDrex symbols asshown in the figure on page 2. 1/3 High rate of human intervention in OCR proofing eDrex % Breakup in publication batches Avg pages per eDrex vs Drex in publication batches
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