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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Competitio n Symbiosi s Predator Prey Competition happens when 2 different species require the same biological resource, like food. These animals thencompete over the biologicalresource (in this case, food), reducing each others growthand population. Normally, there are 2 types of competition,Interference and Exploitation. Interference is when the animals directly influence each other, like animals fighting for the same sourceof food. during exploitative competition, organisms interact indirectly by consuming scarce resources. for example, aplant will absorb nitrogeninto it's roots, preventingthe other plants from havingany. Plants with larger rootscan lower the nitrogen levelsof the soil so much that otherplants die because there isn'tenough nitrogen in the soil. Symbiosis is a close,long-term relationshipbetween 2 organisms.There are 3 different typesof symbiosis, Mutualism,Commensalism, andParasitism. Mutualism isa type of symbiosis whereboth organisms benefit. Forexample, a bee and a flowerare symbiotic in the form ofmutualism. The bee gets it'sfood from the plant, while itcarries the pollen from theplant so that the plant canreproduce. Commensalism iswhere one organism benefitsand the other organism isunaffected. For example, themoss found on some treetrunks catches extra rainwaterfrom the tree, but it does notnegatively affect the tree.Parasitism is when oneorganism is harmed, and oneorganism benifits. A predator is an organismthat eats another organism.The prey is the organism thatis eaten by the predator. these2 parts make up the predatorprey relationship. In thisrelationship, the predator relies on the prey, and theprey relies on the predator.the predator relies on theprey for a source of food,and the prey is considereda limiting factor for thepredators. The prey relies onthe predator to make surethe population of the preyremains in check. Thepredator is also a limitingfactor of the prey, and is abig factor in carrying capacity.If the population of the preyincreases, the population ofthe predators increases, andif the population of the preydecreases, so does thepopulation of the predators.
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