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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 173 per cent times Our highest performing December tweet appeared on Twitter, demonstratingour followers found our informationimportant enough to share with theirown followers. 3600 20 26.4% 32.8% 89.0% of LKCM content is being reshared, indicating that people find the stories valuable, and resonating with their own value system January 2014 April2014 September2014 Media requests January2015 13.6 3.4 6.8 10.2 of traffic to the LKCM website is coming from CEPA's Facebook, which shows that our Facebook fans are seeking out additional content from us. communications update Developing relationships with key community and government stakeholders Connected with key Stakeholders - Premier's B.C. Natural Resource Form- New Westminster Town Hall The clicks on our Facebook advertisingwas 173 per cent higher than theclick through rates across many industries, indicating Canadians found our content trustworthy and interesting. Positioning CEPA as a trusted source of pipeline information and data per cent Increase in our Facebook followers in December, which shows that anincreasing number of people are looking for thistype of information and trust that CEPA is a reliable source. growth in Let's Keep Canada Moving participants since launch January 2015 Increasing internal and member awareness and support for CEPA and the industry cepaNET will launch for CEPA staff. This internalwebsite will allow for better dissemination ofinformation, which will improve collaboration,project work and overall understanding. March 2015 April 2015 Activating stakeholders to discuss, share and show their support Increased the number of media requests by in the past year Inaugural issue of the member newsletter will launch.With updates on CEPA initiatives, a feature article andindustry insights, the member newsletter will helpour members better understand CEPA's role in supportingand improving industry performance. 40% B.C. See the progress the communications and outreach team is makingtowards our goals and objectives for 2015. Aligned togoal 1:Performance! Aligned togoal 2: Credibility &Engagement! Aligned togoal 2: Credibility &Engagement! Aligned togoal 4: OperationalEffectiveness!
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